Since every company is different and official regulations may vary, what this means in detail is at the discretion of the owner. We have gathered a few ideas here where enjoyment does not fall by the wayside. One of the most important tips is to cut down on self-service and build up service instead. And this really is not a bad thing! After all, it tastes just as good when, for example, salads and desserts are offered in neatly covered portions instead of left out in the open at the buffet. Dressings, toppings and spices can also be added according to the guests’ wishes, but by the staff behind the counter. Anyone who receives friendly service will also surely accept that only two types of salad dressing are available instead of five to ease handling. Salt and pepper packets are also a solution.
In other words, for the time being, everyone is spared the ordeal of having to make hard choices at the buffet thanks to Corona, and whatever can be served directly should not be laid out in the open for the public. This includes water and coffee machines as well as salt shakers, bread and fruit baskets and silverware trays. It’s best to serve fruit already wrapped up neatly in a peel, such as oranges, bananas, kiwis, etc. You can serve bottled mineral water free of charge and silverware can either be placed directly in the hands of the customer, in pre-packed silverware bags or added directly into the product or dish.
In general, you should scale back contact. This is not only a matter of shared points of contact such as pepper mills, coffee machines etc., it’s also important to be smart about personal contacts as well. By the way payment methods, modern, contactless payment methods and online pre-ordering are definitely having their moment! When it comes to meal time, longer opening hours at the company restaurant help alleviate the rush. And why not provide food directly in the department break room, instead of everyone having to go to the canteen? You can also consider new seating arrangements, for example, with narrow tables that ensure people are kept more than four feet apart. Or why not put in parliamentary seating? The employees have never seen their company restaurant like this before!
One thing is clear for sure: cleaning cycles should now be ramped up and the areas expanded. Don’t forget door knobs and the backs of chairs!

Image: Daniel Klaus
By no means should we forget employees working from home, and their numbers are higher than usual in the days of Corona. They can also be spoiled with good meals in an uncomplicated and contact-free manner. After all, delivery services are available – in the future they will even be driverless (we reported). If you have meals delivered for several days at once, the risk is reduced even further. Practical Bento boxes ensure shelf life and freshness.
In short, taking care of things can be delicious! Corona should not be allowed to spoil anyone’s appetite!