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Detox: Nothing but hype or a new opportunity for gastronomy?

By: Reading Time: 5 Minutes

For some, it’s the perfect way to detoxify the body, while others consider it to be an expensive myth. But why do so many swear by detox and/or a detox regimen? And do detox and special detox dishesactually open up opportunties for the gastronomy industry? Star chef Johann Lafer has a clear position on this.

“Some people wear Superman pajamas. Superman wears Chuck Norris pajamas.” The former action star has beaten up so many villains in the course of his career that there are now even jokes about his superhuman abilities. What isn’t a joke, on the other hand: The martial arts legend is still in top shape at 84.

His recipe for success? Exercise, eat healthy and detox. Like many celebrities, Chuck Norris has already treated himself to an F. X. Mayr cure at Vivamayr spa in Austria.


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But what is detox, a detox cure and the special recipes and dishes linked to it really about? And why is the medical world skeptical?

What exactly is detox?

Green smoothies, before and after illustrations of your gut, happy faces and toned abdomens. These and similar images as well as numerous reports and recommendations pop up in the search results when you type in the worddetox. But what does detox actually mean? Detox is the abbreviation for detoxification. The idea behind this concept is that it is not just too much food, nicotine and alcohol that is harmful to people. According to detox supporters, various chemical are also deposited in the body as slag. These should be expelled as part of a detox cure by avoiding acidic foods such as meat, cheese or candy.

Detoxdiet: Take in the good and eliminate the bad

One of the most well-known and popular detox methods is the aforementioned F.X. Mayr cure, named after its inventor, Austrian military doctor Franz Xaver Mayr. At the beginning of the 20th century, he put forward the theory that an easily digestible and monotonous diet consisting of milk and dry bread rolls over a period of weeks soothes the gut and promotes the body’s self-healing powers. The special detox diet or fasting method is said to help with allergies and autoimmune diseases, sleep disorders, diabetes and back problems, among other things.

However, the effect of various detox diets has not been scientifically proven. On the one hand, the few studies available show methodological deficiencies, and on the other hand, doctors explain that a healthy human body cleans itself and excretes undesirable substances via the liver, kidneys, intestines, skin and lungs. Special detox treatments or powders are not necessary for this. Nevertheless, the demand for detox products and treatments remains high, whether it’s a detox retreat, smoothie recipe or dietary supplement.

Detox dishes á la Johann Lafer

Star chef Johann Lafer is also an avowed detox advocate. In collaboration with nutrition expert Jürgen Vormann, he has published the book Detox Cuisine – a four-week detox course packed with tasty detox dishes for disease prevention and rejuvenation. Or at least that’s what it says on the cover.

Johann Lafer has dough and flour in his hands

Image: Mike Meyer

Johann Lafer knows what he is talking about and what he is promising. A few years ago, he completely changed his diet because of severe osteoarthritis in his knee. “If you look into healthy eating, you quickly come across detox, in other words, detoxifying with an alkaline diet,” says the native Austrian. He himself treats himself to a cure at least once a year at Lanserhof in Tyrol.


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Nevertheless, he can understand why the topic is controversial. “Of course, there have been and are expensive ready-made detoxproducts or some capsules or powders – and that is controversial, rightly so. My book teaches alkaline nutrition with conventional, commercially available healthy foods. And it shows ways to promote detoxification processes through carefully selected foods.”

Detox with enjoyment – is that possible?

Cleansing the body from the inside undoubtedly seems like a healthy idea. But – let’s be honest – it does not necessarily sounds like a tasty one. It sounds more like a culinary challenge and, above all, something that calls for sacrifice. After all, the aim is to empty the unhealthy reserves rather than continue replenishing them. However, Johann Lafer dismissed this warning. He is convinced that detoxification and enjoyment do not have to be mutually exclusive. “What you should eat for a detox also tastes good, like artichokes, broccoli, beetroot or lentils,” he says.

In total, the star chef has created 100 detox recipes for his book, including modified classics such as chili sin carne, vegetarian lasagne or lentil pot. But it also includes completely new recipes like polenta pizza. “In recent years, a lot of knowledge has come together in medicine and nutritional science about how to promote health with the right foods. The art is to combine the ingredients correctly and season them very well,” he reveals.

Johann Lafer brings a dish from the kitchen

Image: Marc Rehbeck

Are detox meals part of the menu?

Good recipes make it easier to fast within your own four walls, as well as endure treatment at a detox cure hotel. But what about gastronomy, which often puts obstacles in our path towards a healthier self through a range of temptations? Is detoxification something restaurants should address or should they steer clear of it? “Basically, the detox diet or detox cuisine is based on healthy foods, which you should generally prioritize in your diet. It’s certainly a good idea to include special detox dishes in menus and label them as such,” says Johann Lafer. He further adds that the quality of the food and the taste of the dishes are important here.

He also welcomes the fact that healthy eating is becoming increasingly popular in the gastronomy industry. Even in talent competitions such as the “Next Chef Award”, where Johann Lafer sat on the jury, more attention is being paid to high-quality products, starting with the next generation. “I think it’s particularly commendable that there is even a new apprenticeship for vegan/vegetarian chefs in Austria,” says the top chef.

Johann Lafer talks to a chef in the kitchen

Image: ARD Stefanie Jockschat

A brief digression: Digital detox

In other words, detox is designed to detoxify both body and mind. It’s about getting rid of ballast with the help of a detox treatment – whether at home or in a special detox cure hotel – and concentrating on what’s important. This approach is not only reflected in the food, but also more broadly in the concept of some restaurants. Some top-class restaurants also use the following to a certain extent: Digital detox – i.e., the conscious decision not to use smartphones, social media, and the like. They have a photo ban so people can focus on the culinary experience instead of capturing that perfect picture for Instagram. Whether a detox diet or a smartphone-free zone, both trends make it clear that mindfulness and conscious enjoyment are more important today than ever before – whether when eating or dining out.

In the end, you’re free to decide what you think of detox. However, thinking about what you eat and do, where food comes from and whether it’s good for you is essential these days. And Michelin-starred and award-winning chefs in particular, who are increasingly in the spotlight, can achieve a great deal and present their values with their dishes. Johann Lafer also wants to use his recipes to spread the word that “good cuisine and healthy cuisine are inseparable and that all chefs need to bear in mind that 60 percent of our illnesses are strongly influenced by our diet.”


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